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Hey Songwriter, I'm Rosie 👋

I am a songwriting tutor and music mentor bursting at the seams to help you with your next project...

Grab a cuppa ☕️, press play...

...and let's talk about the wild and wonderful world of music making in the Be Radical Make Music Podcast!


With insights on topics such as writer's block, how to hone your music skills, finding the courage to share your music publicly and how we can make those important changes to pave the way for an enjoyable, sustainable music practice. 


Join host Rosie Bans for practical tips, inspiring pep talks and compassionate perspectives.

"Rosie is wonderfully enthusiastic, knowledgeable and generous. She was able to break some big concepts into more manageable chunks and her delivery is clear and concise. She succeeded in creating a warm and supportive atmosphere"

-  Outi Smith, Music Educator & Jazz Vocalist

Rosie is super organised and packed with ideas, tips, reasoning and inspiration. #BeRadical #JustDoIt turn up for yourself and get surrounded by fantastic like-minded creative folk!

- Carrie B, Vocal Tutor & Music Artist

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Join the Community

Join our beautiful community of Radical Music Makers and find inspiration and support (oh and you might even meet your new music besties!). 

We share our songs, we share our experiences, support each other along the way and most importantly, we celebrate our successes - together!

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