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27th - 29th MAY 2024


Take a deep dive into your songwriting...


...find your unique artistic voice and build a confident and long-lasting relationship with your music in just a few powerful days!

"It changed everything for me"

Listen to Gayle and Lisa's experience of the workshop...



The person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Is this for me? 🤔

If you have been feeling stuck with your songs and a little lost on how to make them feel like, well, *YOU*, then Authentic Songwriting was designed with exactly you in mind.


The workshop offers the chance to discover your artist voice, gain a deeper connection to your compositions and a feel sense of creative fulfilment that your identity as an songwriter is finally being realised. 


Throughout the 3 days you'll be given prompts and challenges which will  promote the flow state 🌊 so that your songs feel honest to you and easy to write... (say goodbye to that inner critic). Some past students have even gone on to release the music they created inside this very workshop! 🥳


And because we want to make songwriting education as accessible to as many as possible - it's only £17 to join!​

…show up honestly when you put pen to paper and really get to know who you are as a music artist.


…build confidence around your songcraft and develop your skills as a composer and musician. 


…learn solid songwriting technique so you can feel assured that you know what you are doing when you sit down to write music, no more waiting for random inspiration!


…share your songs with a community of supportive songwriters as you explore your art-making and build out your song repertoire.

Authentic Songwriting is a perfect fit for you if you are ready to:

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Dear Songwriter...

I know working on your music can feel like an uphill struggle. 🥵


One minute you find yourself inspired and eager to get your songs onto the page and into the world.  You dream of letting go, of allowing your truth to flow through your lyrics and having your artistic voice be heard.  🦄

But the next minute you are overcome by 'that sinking feeling' in your stomach.  😫


Doubts, fears and questions start flooding in, killing your creativity in it's tracks.  Overwhelmed from not knowing where to start with this 'music thing', you question if it is even worth your time.

Recognise it?  Well, you're not alone!

I call this the Songwriter's Spiral of Doom. ꩜

But the good news is, there is a way out, and it all starts with you...


By getting to know who you are as an artist, what you stand for as a songwriter and practising music in alignment with all of that, you can finally exit this spiral and get to work on your unique, incredible music.


By facing our fears as writers - but not doing it alone - instead having some strong mentorship and guidance along the way, you can lean into your truth and make the music that's important to you.

That way you won't continue to stay stuck and instead will learn how to tune-in and trust yourself as a songwriter and musician.


Your songs need to be written so that your music isn't lost forever.

And if you have read this far then welcome on board, I can't wait to start writing with you inside Authentic Songwriting. >>


"I loved it!

So many new ideas and concepts that I hadn't been taught anywhere else."

- Kindra

"I had no idea I’d

write a new song every single day!"

- Justine 

"The workshop was so inspiring,

without hesitation, I wholeheartedly recommend it."

- Lisa

May 27th

It all kicks off on...


Ready to dial in your story telling?  In this workshop you will learn how to use your unique perspective to write strong narratives that weave effortlessly throughout your song.

Pain, joy,'s all found in the melody. In this session we are focussing on core the emotion behind your song and how you can share is through the melodic notes you choose.

MON 27th may

TUE 28th MAY

Love Your Lyrics ✍️

Meaningful Melodies 🎶

Wed 29th mAY

Strong Song Structure 💪

Inside our thrid workshop we are breaking the mould and stepping outside the box to explore a fresh way of laying out your music ideas so they flow together effortlessly in your song.

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MAY 2024




  • 27th May, 11am: WORKSHOP #1: Love Your Lyrics 

  • 28th May, 11am: WORKSHOP #2: Meaningful Melodies 

  • 29th May, 11am: WORKSHOP #3: Strong Song Structure 


  • 23rd May, 4pm: Welcome Party 

  • 28th May, 4pm: Songwriting Power Hour #1

  • 29th May, 12pm: Songwriting Power Hour #2

  • 30th May, 11am: Group Mentoring Session 

  • 30th May, 4pm: Bonus Workshop - How To Finish Your Songs 

  • 3rd June, 5pm: Community & Songwriter's Hub Closes 






"Rosie helped me with imposter syndrome

in about 5 minutes flat where others have failed for years"

- Julie

"I came out with four full songs written

and I realised I am a songwriter!"

- Gayle

"An amazing space to share
I never had the confidence to share my songs before the workshop"

- Claire

"A tremendous experience,

finally freeing myself from the bounds of other's rejections or affirmations!"

- Demitria

What people are saying...

By The End Of Authentic Songwriting You'll Have...

  • Experienced exactly what it means to be an Authentic Songwriter so you can truly know yourself and show up to your songwriting sessions full of joy and confidence.

  • Brand new songs and loads of new ideas and inspiration to keep the momentum going and really dig deep into your music.

  • Learned powerful songwriting techniques that will help you hone your songcraft skills, taking you one step closer to finishing and releasing your music!

  • A ton of new songwriting pals! ♥️

You'll walk away with new found strength and confidence in your artistry that will guide your music making for years to come.

But most importantly...

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"Within the first couple of days of the workshop I wrote a whole song by myself"

- Lisa MacKenzie

"I came out of the workshop and I realised I am a songwriter."

- Gayle Morton Grant

Why should we all use our creative power...? Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate.

- Brenda Ueland

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How To Finish Your Songs: A Three Step Framework to Get Your Music Out Your Head and Into The World

IMAGE How to Finish Your Songs Workshop.png

PLUS these super useful bonuses to support your songwriting journey!


🎁 Live Group Writing Sessions 

Don't write your music alone.  Join us  LIVE for two incredible Songwriting Power Hour Sessions.  We start each hour by saying hello on Zoom, then mute our mics and get to work - if you need accountability this is where you will find it!

Bonus #1


Bonus #2

🎁 Exclusive Songwriting Community

Think deep music discussions, daily prompts, live videos, hangouts and a songwriting community unlike any other online space you have experienced before! The pop-up Authentic Songwriting Community is at the heart of our workshop and could be where you meet your new music best pals.


Bonus #3

🎁 Done-For-You Song Structure Templates

Compose, develop and complete your next song in no time!  These handy templates map out the most common and effective structures so you can break down your next song into easy-to-follow sections and fill in with your unique ideas.


Bonus #4

🎁 Inner Critic Kryptonite: Guided Audio Visualisation

Inner critic got you down?  Pop in your head phones, take a deep breath and listen along to this immersive visualisation to help ground you and get you back to your creative centre so you can continue writing your awesome songs.

That Means When You Sign Up For Authentic Songwriting 3 Day Workshop You Will Get...

WORKSHOP #1: Leverage Your Lyrics


 WORKSHOP #2: Memorable Melodies


WORKSHOP #3: Strong Song Structure

FREE access to the Authentic Songwriting Community 


FREE 2 x Songwriting Power Hour Live Writing Sessions with Rosie


FREE Done-For-Your Song Structure Templates 


FREE Inner Critic Kryptonite Guided Audio Visualisation 

All of this for only...



Hiya Songwriter 👋

Nice to meet you, I am Rosie, your new songwriting cheerleader! 📣


In the past 13+ years as a professional musician and music mentor, I have witnessed the amazing transformation that happens when songwriters (just like you!) take ownership of their music making.  

Inspired by this, I decided to name my business Be Radical Make Music. My ethos is also reflected in the name; I know myself and I refuse to conform.   I make the music *I* want to make and I am damn proud of it too!


But it's not always easy, believe me.


However, I wouldn't have it any other way because I get to show up as I am and express myself fully and truly.  I am an authentic songwriter.  And so are you. 


So, I have created this workshop space to help you find your own voice, learn some new songcraft techniques, get a little clarity on what you really want and some much needed ring-fenced time for you to write your songs whilst connecting with a really supportive community.


I hope you’ll join me and you might be surprised at how much freedom and independence being an authentic songwriter will bring to your life!


See you in the workshop >>

Rosie x

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F A Qs

Do I need to attend Live?

Not at all, you can watch the replay of each workshop as soon as it's over and you will have access to all replays until Monday 3rd June.  That said, the songwriters that get the very most out of this workshop are the ones that put it into their schedule, make the time for it and show up.

What time are the workshops?

Each workshop is at 11am UK time and will last for 15 minutes plus Q+A time at the end.   Can't attend at that time?  No worries!  The replays are available to you immediately and until the th 3rd June.  It is important that you honour your own creative timing and do the workshop when you can, when it is right for you and your music.

How many songs do I need to write?

As many or as little as you like!  Each daily workshop training is for you to explore your unique creativity, for some writers that means blazing through a song per day, for others that means a slow and stead smoulder... you do you, please, because that's literally the point.

How long will the Facebook Group stay open?

Until Monday 3rd June at which point all replays will be removed and the group will be paused, so make the most of it and get stuck in whilst you can! 

Can I work with you 1:1?

Yes!  I run a 1:1 Music Mentorship Program called Elevate all year round.  You can check out all the details here >> 

What if I miss a day?

No worries, we have time in the calendar for exactly this, you can catch up inside our bonus Songwriting Power Hour Sessions or simply work through the material in your own time before the group closes on the Monday 3rd June.  I feel it's important for us to honour our own timing when it comes to making music, it's great if you can follow along in real time but it is not necessary.

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